quarta-feira, 28 de abril de 2010


My name's Elaine and I will write about my family: The Mesquita family.
I have a small family. Francisco is my father. He's Isabel's husband. She is his wife. Francisco and Isabel have a daughter. That's me! And a son. His name is Gledson . Gledson is married to Ana. They have two children: Vitor and Davi. Vitor is 8 years old and Davi is 4 years old. Elaine is Vitor and Davi's aunt. They are her nephews. Francisco is Vitor and Davi's grandfather and Isabel is their grandmother. Francisco and Isabel love their grandchildren. Vitor is Davi's brother. Elaine is Gledson's sister and Ana's sister-in-law. This is my lovely family.
Now, write about your Family Tree!

7 comentários:

  1. Hi!
    my name is larissa, my class is I3V2B114 and I will write about my family: The Cordeiro family.I have a happy family.Joalmir is my father.Fátima is my mother,Fátima and Joalmir's
    married.Josepher is my brother and Brunna is my sister ( only sister by father).My grandparents from her mother to call Geraldo and Maria.My grandparents on his father's call themselves Júlio and Almery.my uncles from her mother are called Marcelo, Marcio and Fabio.
    I have no aunt from her mother.My uncles on his father's call to Hugo, and Igor Jandir (those I know)
    and my aunts are called Irlen, Aldina and Arlete (same thing).My cousins from her mother are called Marcela, Isabela, Gustavo, Yasmin, and my younger cousin Beatriz.My cousins on his father's call themselves Fabricio Denise Daniele, Roberta, Amanda, Hugo, Italo, Yuri, Ana, Yan and Edson.I do not have nephews.This is my happy family.

  2. Hi name is Liliane I3V2B114 I'm in class and I'll write about my family: The family Tanima.Tenho pequena.Sueko a family is my grandmother and has four backlight children, Sue, Claudia, and Koji Haruo.Sueli is my mother has two children and my brother and I Daniel.Minha Aunt Claudia has two children and Elisa André.Meu Koji uncle has a son Haruo Gabriel.Meu uncle Michel has five children, Rafael, Keyla, Suzane and is married Karina.Karina With Emerson and they have a daughter named Larissa.E this is my beautiful family.

  3. Hi!
    my name is Thainara, my class is I3V2B114 and I will write about my family: The Santos family.my family is very great…. My mother is the Marly my father is the João.I have three sisters on the part of mother Karla, Kellen and the Thalita (the Thalita and son of my father and my mother) already brothers on the part of father I have Fenicia and Gabriel… Also I have two pretty nephews a KARLINHA (son of kellen) the other THÉO (son of the Karla) Uncles several; Maria, Rose, Daisy, Jozé, Atônio, Amarildo, Mario, Marry, Marcio, Mauricio, Amauri… Good this is my GREAT family

  4. I speak of my family. My family is great. My mother is 35 years she has marta she is the director of a school. Dorgival he is my stepdad is 34 and works at the DMV. I have three brothers and two sisters. my older sister is a student and layla and she is 17.'s newest and Maria Luiza and has three years and she is a student. the oldest of my brothers is the pedro he's 12 and a student. my other brother is andre and has 10 years, and student.'s newest landmarks is vinisios and has six years and a student. I'm Lucas and I'm 15 years old student. and this is my family.

  5. Hi!
    My name is Marcus, my class is I3V3B114.
    I will write about my family: The Marques family.
    I have a good family. João Marcos is my father and Geusa is my mother. They are married. they have three children. Giovanna, Giulyanna, and I.
    I know four cousins: Tatiane, Taiane, Paulo and Lilian.
    My uncles are: Marcia, Alex, Rose and Romeu.
    My grandparents are: Leolino, Giulhermina and Filomena. This is my family!

  6. Hello! My name is Yasmin myfamily is big,the Moura family . Marcio is my father and Divina is my mother,Marcio is Divina´s husband .Marcio and Divina have dougther.My one sister her name is Madalena ,she is my aunt,she is one children ,his name is Thiago ,he sixteen years old,he is my cousin .I have two brothers,their is Marcio and Gabryel ,Marcio is five years old and Gabryel five months .My mother one sister ,their name is Tatiane,she two childrens ,their name is Tifany and Matheus,Tifany eleven years old and Matheus four years old ,their my cousins.I love my family.I3V3B114

  7. hi my name is Danilo i2v3b114 my class and my family and my great family silva cicero my father called my mother called irauly have two brothers and Leticia luis henrique also have three uncles and Ivanilson ísmaina ionice Ivanilson my uncle was married to Fernanda three sons called ana caroline pedro henrique and Emanuelle cristina my other aunts do not have children but ionice married with tim have also the mother of my mother and her father and Gorete manoel just Thau
